Reinvent Yourself

What does reinvent mean

Whether you’re in your late 20’s or 70’s, it’s never too late to be what you really want to be, to do what you’ve always wanted to do.  To reinvent yourself is to really get in touch with what you’re longing for; A new profession, to become a parent, to buy a house, to move to a different country, to quit your current job to teach yoga, to be a traveling you tube hiker. Whatever your dreams are, if you want to reinvent yourself, Monday is the perfect day to start.

Steps to reinvention

First of all let’s clear out all the emotional clutter.  Anytime someone wants to make a change you should expect to be met with conflict, either from yourself or from outside sources.  You need to sit quietly with yourself, usually over a nice hot cup of coffee or tea and clear out your mind.  Focus on the good, the good you’re already accomplishing and the even better things the new, reinvented you can do.  When your mind starts to play games with you or outside sources start to make you feel doubt, meet it head on.  Remind yourself who you are, how strong you are, remind yourself of what you really want.  It’s okay to have doubts, but don’t let them stop you, you’ll need to be strong mentally to get through reinvention.

Secondly, start changing up your routine.  Whatever it is you’re wanting to reinvent yourself into, better eating, more working out, more writing, waking up earlier to look through the houses for sale, property in another country, etc.  Researching is going to be your number one go to.  Don’t just assume that you know it all.  If you want to move to another country because you think it’s peaceful and beautiful, do your research and then research some more.  Talk to people that have lived there, make plans to go and visit, possibly for a little longer then a regular vacation.  If you’re wanting to be in better shape and think you know the perfect diet or workout plan because it worked for so and so, do your research, know you’re body type, know what foods do and don’t agree with you.  Look into many different options, as there is no “one thing fits all.”

Thirdly, set some goals. I’m talking about learning or process goals, not performance, outcome goals.  For instance : In two weeks I’m going to learn about the seasons in Costa Rica.  In one month I’m going to learn about the process my body needs to go through to lose ten pounds.  In one week I’m going to really see if I can live on half my income, if I can lessen my grocery bill by 50% and in one month I’m going to look over the process of reducing my debt to see if it’s a possibility to quit my current high paying job for the new job, which is more outdoors, less time in the office, but half the pay job.

Last, and I think this may be the most important one, start imagining yourself as your new reinvented self.  What things you’ll experience, how you’ll look, how you’ll feel.  Start to visualize yourself with that new baby, new house, new job, quitting your job, no job, new body image from the working out and eating well.  I think you’ll find, this alone, will keep you motivated towards your end game.

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff….


Find me on Facebook @lilbitsofme22 or Instagram @lilbitsofme22 or Pinterest @lilbitsofme22 or @coffee_poetry_lilbitofme

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Editing Day

Sunday is editing day

On Sunday mornings I like to sit in silence with my coffee and think back on my week.  Not to punish myself but to see what changes I want to make to make the new week better.

It’s always better to edit

The same way you wouldn’t leave a manuscript unedited, it just makes sense to make the necessary edits to your life.  You see, Sunday is like an opportunity to choose to evolve or repeat.  Again, this isn’t to look back and punish yourself, but just like editing your writing, you look over it again to make sure you’re getting things right.

To edit is to evolve

Honestly, I think a little of both, evolving and repeating is okay.  You want to evolve past the mistakes, change what you can, and repeat the good things that made your soul happy.

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and a happy and healthy new week ahead.

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, “Soon Enuff.”

You can find my new book, Soon Enuff, worldwide on Amazon or the link in my Facebook bio @lilbitsofme22 or on Instagran @lilbitsofme22


Life Changes

How to make a change

Wondering how to begin changing your life for the better? Less stress, less worry, more peace in your heart and soul.  It all starts with your morning….

Be mindful of how you spend your mornings. 

What you read or write, who you spend it with, 

this all produces energy, and only you

choose what type of energy you send out…

–Amy Lopez–


The necessary changes

How I spend my mornings, my space, whether inside or out, is of course going to be different then yours.  The point is though, when you wake up in the morning, it’s the most important time of the day to frame your mind with positive and energetic thoughts.

I like to wake up early because I really treasure spending my mornings alone.  I either make my coffee and sit outside on my porch or I sit inside in my comfy recliner.  I usually sit in thought (meditation) for a few moments, just clearing my mind, thinking of nothing at all.  When thoughts creep in of my busy day ahead, I try to push them away telling myself, “Plenty of time for that later.”  Then I usually do some writing, well, a lot of writing.  Then I put my pen down and pick up a book.

What I read in the morning is different then what I read later in the day.  My morning books are usually “self help” or books on Yoga.  Currently I’m reading, “Ageless Body Timeless Mind,” by Deepok Chopra and “Light on Yoga,” by B.K.S. Iyengar.  I believe what I fill my mind with early in the morning should be positivity.  Things to help de-stress and de-clutter.  Things that help me deal with anxiety, etc.

When I say I get up early, I mean early….I’m usually up a little before the sunrise.  I know this isn’t ideal for everyone, and of course I’m not promoting not getting enough sleep because I know how very important that is.  But for me personally, I need about two hours of morning alone time. I find that when I don’t get that, I tend to get more anxious and stressed, even when it isn’t really warranted, it’s just me.

Does the morning routine really make a change

I’ve had this morning routine for about two years and I can’t tell you the impact it’s had on my life.

Before, when I got up, rushed to make my coffee, immediately started my workout or started working, I was very “wound up.” By that I mean, tense, stressed and anxious.  I have suffered with anxiety attacks for about ten years, and I’ve found that rushing my morning only adds to the anxiety.

Since I’ve started being very mindful, and I suppose some would say, “selfish” morning routine I’ve been a much calmer person.  I don’t have near as many anxiety attacks because in my morning routine I practice breathing exercises to help me deal with stress, so that when it starts coming on, I’m prepared to deal with it instead of panicking.

I’m a much happier and easy going person.  I find that spending time alone in the morning has helped me realize what’s most important in life, the things I need to concentrate on and the things I need to let go of.  The things I can change and control, and the things I have no control of.  It’s helped me be more aware of how I speak to others, because I’ve learned to sit with myself in silence and speak kindly to myself.

If you don’t spend any quiet and alone time, how can you ever answer so many of life’s toughest questions?  If you’re in a constant rush to do something or be somewhere, is it any wonder that your health is declining? That your aging beyond your years?

Take it slower, even if you only have a few minutes.  Wake up a little earlier, even if it’s only fifteen minutes.  Stop rushing your morning.  See how you feel and let me know how it’s going in comment 🙂

Cause I’m not there yet but perhaps, “Soon Enuff.”

My book, “Soon Enuff” is now available worldwide on Amazon or the link on my IG @lilbitsofme22 or on FB @lilbitsofme22


Forgiveness…is it possible

We’ve all done things we think are just not forgivable.  We continually seek the approval and forgiveness of others, when in reality, what we yearn for is a sense that we are forgiven, and I believe that can only come from within.  For what good is it for another to tell us they’ve forgiven us if we still harbor the “sin” within ourselves….

     “She lives with sins she thinks are unforgivable.

She’s been trying for years to forget that love that remains unforgettable.

She judges herself too hard, her struggle is real.

On days she is strong, she trains her soul not to feel.

But some nights she loses the battle for the heart has it’s own will…”

–Amy Lopez–

The Forgiveness Process

You may be wondering, “So how do I begin the forgiveness process?”  I believe you start with some soul searching.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I truly sorry for whatever it is.

2. Would I do it again.

3. Do I really want to put this transgression behind me.

4. Have I done everything I possibly can to make amends to the person/thing I hurt with this transgression.

So if in answer to number 1, if you are truly sorry for whatever it is you’ve done, then you should be able to easily answer number 2, no I would not do it again.  And then you’ve got to set an intention with yourself.  If this thing, whatever it is, were to come up again in the future, I will be strong enough to turn away from it because I know the pain it caused others and myself and I am not willing to go through that again.  In answer to number 3, if you want the transgression behind you then you’ve got to forgive yourself.  You’ve got to realize everyone makes mistakes, and no matter how great the mistake was, you understand it, you’ve no doubt paid for it dearly and it’s time to let it go.  For awhile you may need to wake each morning and set an intention for yourself, “Today I will feel relief for I know I am forgiven, I am a new person.” When the thoughts of guilt arise, which they will, try to remember this intention and repeat it to yourself, you are forgiven, I forgive myself, I’ve paid enough. And in response to the last question, number 4, if you have done all you can to make amends, then rest assured there is nothing more you can do.  It is now up to the other party to do with it what they will.  You do not have to continue paying.  If you cannot be around the person you have asked forgiveness from without feeling guilty, or without them reminding you of your wrong doings, then it may be necessary to not be around them for awhile.  Don’t continue to punish yourself with their presence but do be sympathetic to the fact you hurt them.

Forgiveness equals peace

If there’s one thing that will keep your soul unsettled it’s carrying around the past.  It’s too heavy and you’ve got to lay it down.  This will take some deep thinking, some meditation, some prayer, some real work, but it is possible.  If you want peace in your life my friends, forgive yourself.

The poem above is from my new poetry book, “Soon Enuff.” It’s now available worldwide on Amazon or you may purchase it from the link in my bio on Instagram @lilbitsofme22

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff.

Soon Enuff

Soon Enuff

Hi guys, just wanted to share the exciting news with you.  Soon Enuff is now available worldwide on Amazon and you can also purchase signed copies by me on my etsy shop at or on my IG @lilbitsofme22 or Facebook @LilBitsofme22

I’ll be running a few fun ad campaigns over the next couple of weeks to celebrate.  The first is if you subscribe to this blog via email you’ll receive five of my favorite poems signed plus a few little extra trinkets.

Thanks so much for ya’lls support!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps…Soon Enuff

Soon Enuff….

Soon Enuff

I’m so excited to reveal the cover of my soon to be released book, Soon Enuff.

Soon Enuff

Miriam Webster Definition:  Soon Enough: No later than needed, in time, shortly, in a little while.

A Poets Definition: Soon Enuff: A time that is coming but is unknown, a made up time, a moment you hope is coming but that very possibly may never come.

Soon Enuff

This is a book of beautiful photography and poetry.  It’s a labor of love that I’ve been working on for about four years.  I’m so very excited to share this cover with you and hope you enjoy it.

I am doing a special giveaway today through Sunday.  If you subscribe via email to my blog I will mail you five of my favorite signed poems  from my book plus a few little extra gifts.

When you subscribe you’ll receive updates whenever I post something new 🙂

Keep checking back this week, I’ll be releasing when Soon Enuff goes live on Amazon and I’ll be having some super cool giveaways in celebration of that.

Have a great rest of your week!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps…..Soon Enuff

The Moon & Me

Full Moon impact on Me

About a week ago I began feeling very distant from everyone, like perhaps I was invisible, and at times, I wish I actually was.  My thoughts become a bit erratic, and I wasn’t making much sense to anyone, except myself.  And I thought to myself, “Okay, what’s going on with you Amy?”

After checking my horoscope I realized how quickly the full moon/strawberry moon was approaching, and I knew full well what was up with me.  I think once you know what’s possibly causing your emotions to fluctuate it’s much easier to control them, or at least to try to calm them down a bit.

Full Moon Poetry

I know I’m often distant

and my thoughts are rarely clear

and like the moon you can’t always see me

but I promise you I’m here….



Wishing you a beautiful week!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…

Love & Peace, Amy

She’s no magician….

None of us are magicians….

My very dear friend, Alfa Holden, wrote this:  “The problem with love is, you can love who you want…but so can they.”

You know you can knock yourself out being the most beautiful, funny, caring, and loving person on the planet, and you still may not be the one for the person you love.  I think it’s so important to grasp this concept early so that we realize there is nothing wrong with us, it’s just how life is.  How many times did a boy/girl have a crush on you or actually fall in love with you and yet you had no feelings whatsoever for them? It happens.  But when it happens to us we tend to take it a lot more personally.

Magic Potion

When we fall in love with someone we go all in and it hurts like hell when it’s not reciprocated.  But there’s no magic potion here.  You can’t drop something in their water that makes them magically fall in love with you no matter how hard you try or how much you want it.  In fact, often times, the harder you try to force something, the worse the whole situation becomes.  I don’t think the other person even means to hurt us, perhaps they really want to love us back, but just as you cannot help your feelings, neither can they.  It may not be that they’re in love with someone else, it’s just simply that they don’t share the same feelings you do, they aren’t in love with you.

So what’s the magic trick

So how do you get through this type of heartache?  I truly believe that if you love yourself, if you know your worth, if you know you’re a beautiful soul, then you can get through it.  You can slowly start to understand that it’s not you, you’re an amazing person, you just aren’t the one for them, and you have to let that heal you.  The magic trick is really believing in yourself while letting the person go.  It doesn’t mean your love ends, it just means you are moving on.  Don’t stay in a relationship that you have to force, it will only hurt you and it will hurt the very one you say you love.  You must believe with all your beautiful soul that love will one day be returned and the relationship will indeed be magical.

A little poem I wrote: “I hoped that somehow out of all the brokenness something good could come.  That perhaps the heartache we caused could be undone.  But you can’t keep pretending to look forward to something you dread, you’re no magician, you can’t bring life back to love that’s already dead.” @AmyLopez @LilBitsofMe22



Magic Book

I truly wish I could write a book titled,  “Magic Tricks for Love.” In fact, I’m fairly certain that if you searched social media or google long enough, you’d most likely stumble upon that very book written by someone trying to take advantage of heart broken souls. However, it would be a big book of magical lies because there is no magic book and there are no magic tricks. Remember, believing in yourself, that’s all the magic you need!

Peace, love & happiness I wish for you!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff….


You can follow my very dear friend, who is a wonderful writer and author of three Best Selling books, and on social media: FB: @AlfaHolden  IG: @alfa.poet Twitter: @alfa_poet


The Moon and Me…

Tonights Super Snow Moon will be the biggest and brightest of 2019! With it there seems to come a lot of energy.  I’ve heard from several friends they’ve had a hard time sleeping, their brains won’t shut down or they’re feeling anxious.  I believe this is all coming from the Full Snow Moon tonight.  My best advice is to use that energy to your advantage.  Perhaps get started on a project you’ve been putting off, maybe work on solving a problem that’s been plaguing you for some time. While it’s true, the atmosphere is very emotionally charged today/tonight it doesn’t mean you’re going crazy, it means you need to channel the energy you’re feeling into something healthy.

You know I have this thing about the moon….I believe it’s at our darkest time when we are shown the most light.  You see, the sun, it sees us when we tend to be at our brightest and best, our best face on, out to conquer the world.  But the moon, it hears our deepest thoughts, the ones we don’t share with anyone, maybe the ones we’re ashamed we’re thinking.  The moon doesn’t judge, the moon loves me even at my worst.

     The Moon & Me

     The sun sees me

when I’m at my best,

but the moon, the moon

knows all my secrets and

loves me nonetheless….

Written By:  Amy Lopez


Be mindful today of all the swirling energy around you.  Be present in your day and love your life enough to be aware of what’s happening around you.

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…

Peace & love, Amy

Hello and Goodbye….

Ever wish you had met someone sooner so that perhaps it had changed the course of your friendship or perhaps you could change the outcome of a situation if you had known something earlier?  I think that’s such a common thing for us all, wishing we had met someone sooner.

But what about the one you wish you hadn’t met before, the one you wish you were just saying hello to for the first time?  The one that you know if you were just meeting you wouldn’t have a past with but could make a brand new future.  The one you love and adore but because of the past there is no hope for a future together.

          Things I never told you….

          There are those I wish I had perhaps met sooner, and maybe it would have changed the course of a friendship.  But there’s one I wish I was meeting for the first time, so that our past didn’t make a future impossible.  

That morning when we kissed goodbye, I looked into those eyes in which I’ve found myself lost so many times, and my god, how I wished we were saying hello for the first time….


Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff….

Love Always,
