Watch your Problems….

Can you watch your problems instead of getting lost in them?

Problems aren’t generally what they appear to be. You see the real problem is to deal with our reactions to what we believe the problem is. It’s hard to deal with life situations (problems) if you’re feeling anxious, scared, angry, or upset. But can you pull back a bit, just watch your problem before you get totally lost in it?

Problem watching can be a great mindfulness practice!

Once you stop for a moment and look to your inside consciousness instead of to what’s going on on the outside you may find where the change needs to take place. You may even find that the “problem” you thought was coming from something in the world or someone else in the world is actually coming from inside yourself.

Ask yourself questions like, “Where am I feeling this jealousy?” “What am I really angry about?” “What part of my body am I feeling the anxiety in?” Get into a quiet space where you can go deeper. Be mindful of where you’re feeling these emotions. Because remember emotions without a story will just come and go if you let them. If you can stop the narrative inside your mind, just get quiet for even a few moments, do a little self discovery. It’s always a good practice to look inside first. We lay too much blame just strive to get to the truth, to get to the root.

Remember this week…..try just watching your problems instead of becoming lost in them 🙂

“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” -Steve Jobs-

Cause we’re not there yet…but perhaps, Soon Enuff!

Live Present,


Hey guys I have a brand new course out, and it’s absolutely FREE!! If you want to learn the difference between a manifestation and an affirmation and when and how to use each, just click below!

If you’d like to go a little deeper, I’d love to set up a one on one coffee break appointment with you :). Click the link below.

The Moon & Me

Full Moon impact on Me

About a week ago I began feeling very distant from everyone, like perhaps I was invisible, and at times, I wish I actually was.  My thoughts become a bit erratic, and I wasn’t making much sense to anyone, except myself.  And I thought to myself, “Okay, what’s going on with you Amy?”

After checking my horoscope I realized how quickly the full moon/strawberry moon was approaching, and I knew full well what was up with me.  I think once you know what’s possibly causing your emotions to fluctuate it’s much easier to control them, or at least to try to calm them down a bit.

Full Moon Poetry

I know I’m often distant

and my thoughts are rarely clear

and like the moon you can’t always see me

but I promise you I’m here….



Wishing you a beautiful week!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…

Love & Peace, Amy

She’s no magician….

None of us are magicians….

My very dear friend, Alfa Holden, wrote this:  “The problem with love is, you can love who you want…but so can they.”

You know you can knock yourself out being the most beautiful, funny, caring, and loving person on the planet, and you still may not be the one for the person you love.  I think it’s so important to grasp this concept early so that we realize there is nothing wrong with us, it’s just how life is.  How many times did a boy/girl have a crush on you or actually fall in love with you and yet you had no feelings whatsoever for them? It happens.  But when it happens to us we tend to take it a lot more personally.

Magic Potion

When we fall in love with someone we go all in and it hurts like hell when it’s not reciprocated.  But there’s no magic potion here.  You can’t drop something in their water that makes them magically fall in love with you no matter how hard you try or how much you want it.  In fact, often times, the harder you try to force something, the worse the whole situation becomes.  I don’t think the other person even means to hurt us, perhaps they really want to love us back, but just as you cannot help your feelings, neither can they.  It may not be that they’re in love with someone else, it’s just simply that they don’t share the same feelings you do, they aren’t in love with you.

So what’s the magic trick

So how do you get through this type of heartache?  I truly believe that if you love yourself, if you know your worth, if you know you’re a beautiful soul, then you can get through it.  You can slowly start to understand that it’s not you, you’re an amazing person, you just aren’t the one for them, and you have to let that heal you.  The magic trick is really believing in yourself while letting the person go.  It doesn’t mean your love ends, it just means you are moving on.  Don’t stay in a relationship that you have to force, it will only hurt you and it will hurt the very one you say you love.  You must believe with all your beautiful soul that love will one day be returned and the relationship will indeed be magical.

A little poem I wrote: “I hoped that somehow out of all the brokenness something good could come.  That perhaps the heartache we caused could be undone.  But you can’t keep pretending to look forward to something you dread, you’re no magician, you can’t bring life back to love that’s already dead.” @AmyLopez @LilBitsofMe22



Magic Book

I truly wish I could write a book titled,  “Magic Tricks for Love.” In fact, I’m fairly certain that if you searched social media or google long enough, you’d most likely stumble upon that very book written by someone trying to take advantage of heart broken souls. However, it would be a big book of magical lies because there is no magic book and there are no magic tricks. Remember, believing in yourself, that’s all the magic you need!

Peace, love & happiness I wish for you!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff….


You can follow my very dear friend, who is a wonderful writer and author of three Best Selling books, and on social media: FB: @AlfaHolden  IG: @alfa.poet Twitter: @alfa_poet