
Forgiveness…is it possible

We’ve all done things we think are just not forgivable.  We continually seek the approval and forgiveness of others, when in reality, what we yearn for is a sense that we are forgiven, and I believe that can only come from within.  For what good is it for another to tell us they’ve forgiven us if we still harbor the “sin” within ourselves….

     “She lives with sins she thinks are unforgivable.

She’s been trying for years to forget that love that remains unforgettable.

She judges herself too hard, her struggle is real.

On days she is strong, she trains her soul not to feel.

But some nights she loses the battle for the heart has it’s own will…”

–Amy Lopez–

The Forgiveness Process

You may be wondering, “So how do I begin the forgiveness process?”  I believe you start with some soul searching.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I truly sorry for whatever it is.

2. Would I do it again.

3. Do I really want to put this transgression behind me.

4. Have I done everything I possibly can to make amends to the person/thing I hurt with this transgression.

So if in answer to number 1, if you are truly sorry for whatever it is you’ve done, then you should be able to easily answer number 2, no I would not do it again.  And then you’ve got to set an intention with yourself.  If this thing, whatever it is, were to come up again in the future, I will be strong enough to turn away from it because I know the pain it caused others and myself and I am not willing to go through that again.  In answer to number 3, if you want the transgression behind you then you’ve got to forgive yourself.  You’ve got to realize everyone makes mistakes, and no matter how great the mistake was, you understand it, you’ve no doubt paid for it dearly and it’s time to let it go.  For awhile you may need to wake each morning and set an intention for yourself, “Today I will feel relief for I know I am forgiven, I am a new person.” When the thoughts of guilt arise, which they will, try to remember this intention and repeat it to yourself, you are forgiven, I forgive myself, I’ve paid enough. And in response to the last question, number 4, if you have done all you can to make amends, then rest assured there is nothing more you can do.  It is now up to the other party to do with it what they will.  You do not have to continue paying.  If you cannot be around the person you have asked forgiveness from without feeling guilty, or without them reminding you of your wrong doings, then it may be necessary to not be around them for awhile.  Don’t continue to punish yourself with their presence but do be sympathetic to the fact you hurt them.

Forgiveness equals peace

If there’s one thing that will keep your soul unsettled it’s carrying around the past.  It’s too heavy and you’ve got to lay it down.  This will take some deep thinking, some meditation, some prayer, some real work, but it is possible.  If you want peace in your life my friends, forgive yourself.

The poem above is from my new poetry book, “Soon Enuff.” It’s now available worldwide on Amazon or you may purchase it from the link in my bio on Instagram @lilbitsofme22

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff.

Soon Enuff

Soon Enuff

Hi guys, just wanted to share the exciting news with you.  Soon Enuff is now available worldwide on Amazon and you can also purchase signed copies by me on my etsy shop at or on my IG @lilbitsofme22 or Facebook @LilBitsofme22

I’ll be running a few fun ad campaigns over the next couple of weeks to celebrate.  The first is if you subscribe to this blog via email you’ll receive five of my favorite poems signed plus a few little extra trinkets.

Thanks so much for ya’lls support!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps…Soon Enuff

Soon Enuff….

Soon Enuff

I’m so excited to reveal the cover of my soon to be released book, Soon Enuff.

Soon Enuff

Miriam Webster Definition:  Soon Enough: No later than needed, in time, shortly, in a little while.

A Poets Definition: Soon Enuff: A time that is coming but is unknown, a made up time, a moment you hope is coming but that very possibly may never come.

Soon Enuff

This is a book of beautiful photography and poetry.  It’s a labor of love that I’ve been working on for about four years.  I’m so very excited to share this cover with you and hope you enjoy it.

I am doing a special giveaway today through Sunday.  If you subscribe via email to my blog I will mail you five of my favorite signed poems  from my book plus a few little extra gifts.

When you subscribe you’ll receive updates whenever I post something new 🙂

Keep checking back this week, I’ll be releasing when Soon Enuff goes live on Amazon and I’ll be having some super cool giveaways in celebration of that.

Have a great rest of your week!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps…..Soon Enuff