Happy Weekend!!
So I was really planning all week long to head out for a long hike this weekend, perhaps scout out a waterfall or two. However, it was raining when I went to bed last night, and of course, this morning it is gray and gloomy, cold, and actually a chance of snow for tomorrow. Feeling a little down, as I’m indoors much of the week.
However, I got to thinking about ways to make even gray beautiful, and I thought to myself, “add some color…” So I literally got out a coloring book, yes, the adult ones, that I’ve always thought a little strange…After getting a page finished, I actually felt better, my mood had lifted, and I started to think of more things I could do to bring color to my gray weekend.
I decided I would focus on making some new goals for myself. I work out a lot but over the winter months, actually since October or so, I’ve put on a little weight, and just haven’t been feeling particularly comfortable with my body, so I sat down and wrote out where I’d like to be in say, 30 days. I have a big trip planned and I really want to feel good in my own skin. So I planned out a new healthy eating strategy and workout goals, and I’m giving myself my own 30 day challenge. BTW: I’d love for any of you to join me if you’re in the same boat. If you’re interested in that, shoot me an email:) I also set up a private group for only 40 and older men and women who want to set some goals and motivate each other for the next 30 days. I love meeting and making new friends, especially ones that are as like minded as me, and I also love to see people reach their goals and share in their journey along the way.
I’ve been really into yoga for about 6 weeks now, as well as many other forms of exercise, as I don’t like to get bored, so I mix it up a lot. But I’m telling you I can feel such a difference with the yoga. My joints aren’t as achy, I’m so much more flexible, even in this short amount of time, and I just feel better mentally. I think the mindfulness of a little meditation along with really being aware of your body in the yoga poses has really helped me, and I think if you give it a try it will help you as well. I’m not one of those “serious yogi’s”, that’s why I don’t think I could ever participate in a class at a studio. I tend to laugh too much, swear a little too much and I’m a little too competitive, I don’t like when I can’t do a pose correctly, hahah. But I do really enjoy doing it in my own home, and it’s so much cheaper 🙂
So this weekend, don’t let the gray get in your way of having fun, add some color to your weekend, set some goals, focus on yourself and your family, play games, make some healthy new recipes and ya know what? Color, and when you color, color outside the lines…..
Love & Peace
Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff