Life is short why not live…but live healthy!

Hope this weekend finds you well!

Here is my Saturday morning poem:

I hope that you will find me, there along the shore talking to the waves.  I’ve marked the spot where I’ll return each morning to think about the day….If you could just find a way. -Amy-

Yesterday I arrived in Rhode Island for a short weekend visit with my daughter.  It’s a beautiful part of the earth, and I’m so glad I’ve been blessed to get to visit this area.

I went to bed not feeling well and woke early this morning, after not sleeping much through the night, and wondered why I may be feeling this way.  Often, when traveling and getting busy I lose track of exactly what I’m putting into my body. And I’m definitely paying the price for not eating well yesterday.

After doing some restorative yoga this morning, just to get my mind right and hopefully my body as well, I feel much better and ready to face our fun day.

I hope, that like me, you’ll be more aware today, as we can’t control everything around us but we can control what we put into our mouths.

I love this Mindful poem by Anna

“My awareness settled comfortably in the seat of the present moment open to the symphony of life…”

Life is short, why not live!!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff



Perfect is an Illusion….

Good Morning, Hope you make this Thursday beautiful….

My morning poem:  Exercise, it’s not an obsession, I hope you haven’t been given that impression.  Just finding a better way of living, of balancing this life, all while continuing breathing.  You have to do it for yourself, don’t chase perfection, because I’ve come to the conclusion that “perfect” it doesn’t exist, it’s just an illusion.

Far from perfect as you can see, knees not up high enough, head down to low…but you know what, this shit is hard and it took me almost a month of practicing this everyday just to do finally hold a side crow. I’ll keep working until I get it better, but I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.

You have to strive everyday for a healthier way of life.  It’s hard, we’re under a lot of stress to balance family, work, exercise, sex, basically to just find balance in this life, all while continuing to inhale and exhale.

I’m a real beginner at Yoga, but in the short amount of time I’ve been practicing it, I feel better.  Yes, it’s very hard, but hey, so is life.  All we can do is the best we can do, everyday striving to do a little better.

The breathing techniques and just being mindful of each feeling my body has, the temperature change, realizing how tense my body actually is, and then how great it feels to release that tension, even if only for a short while, it’s well worth the sore muscles you may feel the next day.

I challenge you all to simply give it a try, if I didn’t believe it worked make a healthier mind, body, and soul, I would never suggest it, I would have tried it and said, “forget this, it sucks.”  But I truly love this way of living and I’m hopeful that you’ll find benefit in it as well.

Peace & love

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff….

Love or Lust, or is it?

Good morning, hope you take this Tuesday and make it beautiful…

So here’s my morning poem, and also my thoughts on the matter of Love or Lust…

“Why do they say, “you’re in lust, not love?” Why is it fantasy and dreaming versus reality and life?  I’m not sure about the type of love others are in, or their opinions on the subject, but I can tell you that the one I long for, the person I crave the most, the one I fantasize about during the day and dream about at night, the one I lust after, is also the one I love.  Why would you ever settle for anyone that doesn’t make you feel all of the above?”

Ever really thought about it?  Why does love tend to get boring after years?  Why do we start to take the ones we love for granted, not look at them with the same lust in our eyes as when we first met?  I believe it’s because we get in a rut.  Often on the part of both partners, we get complacent.  We stop worrying so much about how we look for them.  When we first met, we would dress up, make sure hair and make up looked good, probably worked out to be in tip top shape for them.  We had sex all the time, cause it was exciting and new.  And then, we let the days turn into years, life gets complacent, we think everything’s fine, we stop trying to impress the ones we love.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we have to impress at all times, I’m just saying if you want to keep some spice in your love life, remember what it was like when you first met.  Dress up and do your hair and make up, especially on occasion.  Buy a sexy nighty, buy some candles, reserve a hotel. Why not keep life fun and keep love interesting and romantic, sexy and you know what, those fantasies you have? Make them a reality….

I know life can get tough, things get in the way, we’re tired, overworked, stressed.  If you still have young kids I know you’re frazzled, sometimes the last thing you want at night is someone else grabbing at you, ha. Believe, me I was there at one stage in my life.  But from experience, looking back now, I wish someone would have told me how important it is to keep the sex life alive in your love life.  Sometimes you just need to breath, relax, let your partner know you’re tired, but that you do want to be with them, let them take the reigns, and let yourself be mindful of just the moment your in.  Don’t think about the day or what you have to do tomorrow, just think about how it feels to be being loved at that moment, your body needs it, your mind needs it, and believe me your partner needs it as well.  I honestly believe our sex lives are just as important as eating right and exercising, it’s all part of a healthy well rounded life.

Love & peace!

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…..