How to make a change
Wondering how to begin changing your life for the better? Less stress, less worry, more peace in your heart and soul. It all starts with your morning….
Be mindful of how you spend your mornings.
What you read or write, who you spend it with,
this all produces energy, and only you
choose what type of energy you send out…
–Amy Lopez–
The necessary changes
How I spend my mornings, my space, whether inside or out, is of course going to be different then yours. The point is though, when you wake up in the morning, it’s the most important time of the day to frame your mind with positive and energetic thoughts.
I like to wake up early because I really treasure spending my mornings alone. I either make my coffee and sit outside on my porch or I sit inside in my comfy recliner. I usually sit in thought (meditation) for a few moments, just clearing my mind, thinking of nothing at all. When thoughts creep in of my busy day ahead, I try to push them away telling myself, “Plenty of time for that later.” Then I usually do some writing, well, a lot of writing. Then I put my pen down and pick up a book.
What I read in the morning is different then what I read later in the day. My morning books are usually “self help” or books on Yoga. Currently I’m reading, “Ageless Body Timeless Mind,” by Deepok Chopra and “Light on Yoga,” by B.K.S. Iyengar. I believe what I fill my mind with early in the morning should be positivity. Things to help de-stress and de-clutter. Things that help me deal with anxiety, etc.
When I say I get up early, I mean early….I’m usually up a little before the sunrise. I know this isn’t ideal for everyone, and of course I’m not promoting not getting enough sleep because I know how very important that is. But for me personally, I need about two hours of morning alone time. I find that when I don’t get that, I tend to get more anxious and stressed, even when it isn’t really warranted, it’s just me.
Does the morning routine really make a change
I’ve had this morning routine for about two years and I can’t tell you the impact it’s had on my life.
Before, when I got up, rushed to make my coffee, immediately started my workout or started working, I was very “wound up.” By that I mean, tense, stressed and anxious. I have suffered with anxiety attacks for about ten years, and I’ve found that rushing my morning only adds to the anxiety.
Since I’ve started being very mindful, and I suppose some would say, “selfish” morning routine I’ve been a much calmer person. I don’t have near as many anxiety attacks because in my morning routine I practice breathing exercises to help me deal with stress, so that when it starts coming on, I’m prepared to deal with it instead of panicking.
I’m a much happier and easy going person. I find that spending time alone in the morning has helped me realize what’s most important in life, the things I need to concentrate on and the things I need to let go of. The things I can change and control, and the things I have no control of. It’s helped me be more aware of how I speak to others, because I’ve learned to sit with myself in silence and speak kindly to myself.
If you don’t spend any quiet and alone time, how can you ever answer so many of life’s toughest questions? If you’re in a constant rush to do something or be somewhere, is it any wonder that your health is declining? That your aging beyond your years?
Take it slower, even if you only have a few minutes. Wake up a little earlier, even if it’s only fifteen minutes. Stop rushing your morning. See how you feel and let me know how it’s going in comment 🙂
Cause I’m not there yet but perhaps, “Soon Enuff.”
My book, “Soon Enuff” is now available worldwide on Amazon or the link on my IG @lilbitsofme22 or on FB @lilbitsofme22