“I am the way, the truth, the life.” Know who said that? Correct, his name was Jesus. He also said, “All things I do and greater things you will also do.” You see, Jesus is the personification of pure consciousness. I Am, is the way, the truth, the life.

I AM more than the person

If you only know yourself as the person: the mother, the wife, the daughter, the school teacher, the nurse, the doctor, the girlfriend, the sister, etc. then you are disillusioned. What happens when you are no longer the mother? Your child passes, or they simply grow up and don’t need you in the same way? What happens if your spouse passes or leaves you? What happens when your parents pass away and you are no longer the daughter? What happens when you lose your job and are no longer the Dr., teacher, nurse? What should happen is a grieving period but you are never lost. Because who you are, your true essence isn’t tied to any of those things. You are still you, you are still present. Your true essence is The I AM. All these other titles emerge from that. You are pure consciousness. Only when you know your essence identity can you fulfill your true purpose.

The caterpillar doesn’t become a butterfly, it already is the butterfly. The butterfly emerges from the caterpillar.

A deeper sense of purpose

We can all align ourselves with the deeper purpose of the universe. It’s not a religion, it’s a realization. When you learn to stay present in each moment, it’s the most freeing feeling. I like to think of my, I Am, as a beautiful mystical figure that sits in the center of my chest, my soul. This is where it watches all that is going on around me and in me. I see the thoughts and I let them go. I watch conflicts arise and can choose my reactions from a place of consciousness instead of reacting unconsciously. I watch the wife emerge from me as I take care of my husband and home. I smile as the mother emerges and sends my grown children funny or inspirational messages. I delight as the coach emerges from me and teaches others around me. But I don’t attach myself to these things. I know at some point they will all be gone. And I know that what will remain is me, I am.

Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps, together, we’ll get there “Soon Enuff.”



If you’d like to read more inspirational quotes that help inspire you to live a more present life, my book, “Present Ground” is on sale this month. You can find it by clicking on the above tab or worldwide on Amazon!

Are you Settling because you think you don’t deserve more…..

Settling or Accepting

Okay, let’s not get things twisted…..settling is not the same as accepting. When you accept a life situation for what it is, it doesn’t mean you’re being passive, or weak, or giving up and it definitely doesn’t mean you’re settling. Actually, it’s the opposite. You see when you’re aware of something and you acknowledge it and accept it for what it is, only then can you decide if a change needs to be made or not. After all, how can you change something or heal from something that you’re in denial of? Something that you don’t acknowledge can’t be let go of or healed from.

If you’re simply resigning yourself to be miserable or you’re settling on something or someone just to make everyone else happy, or not to, “Rock the boat,” then you are essentially telling yourself, “I am not deserving of anything better.” But here’s the thing, you are deserving, we all are! We all deserve happiness, joy, and to live a fulfilling life.


Who do you call when you are broken down on the side of the road? Many of us call Triple A. It’s a great service if you’re stranded with no other options. So what do you do in your personal life when you have an internal disturbance? When you feel a resistance to something? When you’re struggling to forgive, either yourself or another. We can use the same concept, AAA for ourselves:

Aware: You become aware of the resistance/disturbance in your life

Acknowledge: You acknowledge the disturbance or resistance in your life

Accept: You accept it for what it is

This is a lifelong practice but I’m living proof that it is truly transformational when you put AAA into practice.

I have a brand new four week course for exactly this practice. It’s called “The Transformational Power of Acceptance.” It’s a 4 part pre recorded video sequence. You’ll receive the videos to watch at your own leisure plus you’ll have them for a lifetime. You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Group that is only for the participants of this course to engage with each other or ask questions of me. You’ll also receive a 30 minute private zoom conference with me as well as a 30 minute group meeting with all the participants in this course. If you’re interested in learning how to let go, how to heal from the past, how to live a more authentic and healthy you inside and out, then join me for this transformational course. The link is below if you’re interested!

Cause we’re not there yet….but perhaps together, we’ll get there, “Soon Enuff.”


Live Present,


The Power of Acceptance

Explore your Power

As a young woman I often wondered how some did it. How were they just happy most of the time. How did they get over a break up and just move on to the next one with seemingly no emotions? How did they handle the accident that took their loved one and just kept going? How can they be wheel chair bound after being so athletic and still seem so filled with joy? After years of studying this, while I myself struggled with so many life situations, I found the answer is Acceptance.

So I can already hear some of you now….”If I accept a situation then I’m giving up!” Let me start right off with saying that Acceptance of the situation is not the same as giving up. You can accept a situation and still choose to make changes. So throw that notion right out the door 🙂

How can we Harness the Power of Acceptance

So how do we do it? How do we accept things when we simply don’t want to?

Acknowledge, explore, embrace. These three things are key. You see the problem is unless we acknowledge the reality of our life in this moment we can’t accept it, we just keep believing a lie. If we never explore our feelings, and we just push them away every time they come up, then we can never deal with them and leave them in the past. And until we embrace the reality we are in right now, until we fully accept it, we can’t decide what to do about it. You see change comes when you accept things as they are. Once you accept them, you decide what to do with them or about them.

“When was the last time you explored your feelings

instead of pushing them away….” -Amy-

It’s not easy, and it definitely takes some work but the process is truly transformational.

The Transformational Power of Acceptance

I’ve put together a four week course with every day exercises to teach you the Transformational Power of Acceptance.

We’ll learn acceptance in everyday little things: the mundane tasks that you dread, the relationships you’re struggling with, your career, your life path, aging, children. I’ll teach you skills that can apply to every life situation.

I am living proof of the transformation and I can’t wait to work with you through this course! I hope you’ll check it out 🙂

Cause we’re not there, but perhaps together, we’ll get there “Soon Enuff!”


Are You Really Lost

Feeling lost doesn’t mean you are…

You know our minds don’t like to feel out of control. They want to know everything that is happening and why. So when they don’t know all the answers, they start to spin thoughts in our head. We start to feel lost, as if maybe we aren’t going in the right direction with whatever it is that we’re doing. But remember, our thoughts are not to be trusted and are honestly seldom even true. So the emotions that our thoughts produce aren’t to be relied on.

Find a quiet space to really get lost in…

Okay, lol, you won’t really be lost, but a quiet space, especially in nature can declutter your mind and stop your thoughts for a few moments. If nature isn’t available, sit in quiet and focus on your breathing, breathing in to a 4 count, breathing out to a 6 count for a few times until you feel relaxed and thoughts aren’t totally taking you over. It doesn’t mean thoughts don’t come, they will, but you just let them without getting into them, let them come and go, because your thoughts in this moment are going to be on why you’re feeling lost. You need to go deeper, find the awareness and ask yourself what’s really going on. Whatever the situation is, look for the truth in it. Ask yourself, “Am I truly lost, or are my thoughts spinning a narrative to make me panic and stress about something.”

So what if you are a little lost…

Listen, we’ve all been there. Feeling a little lost is nothing new, millions experience it everyday. But once you’ve become aware of what’s really going on you can make a choice. In your awareness did you discover that in fact, yes, you are a little lost and need to perhaps shift in what you’ve been doing? Great, then do that. There’s nothing wrong with that. Take a few steps back, start again. It never means you’re totally lost, it means, you need to change directions a bit, as hard or as simple as that may be, that is your choice. Is your awareness telling you that it was simply your thoughts causing you to doubt yourself, but you know instinctively that you are indeed going in the right direction? Great, then keep going. It’s okay that you felt unsure for a time, but now, you’ve experienced the truth and you go with it. Don’t forget,

Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered

without getting lost….” -Erol Ozan-

Lost or Found, it’s your Story…

The main thing to remember here is to stay present as much as you can. It’s only when our thoughts turn to the past or the future that anxiety and panic sink in. If you are staying present and working on what you can in the moment, you are really never lost. Look, it’s your story, you’re the only writer. You may need to edit often, but hey, that’s life, it’s all about making choices and once you learn better choices you make those.

Hey Guys! Want to learn the difference between a manifestation and an affirmation? I have a free teaching guide to help you understand them and when to use each. Just click the link below 🙂


Cause we aren’t there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…

Live Present,


For my books, podcast, challenges or to schedule a one on one appointment with me click the link below:


Chaos to Clarity

You never notice it while you’re in the middle of it, but often it is chaos that leads us to clarity.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where everything was good. Everything was clear, there were were no bad times. Unfortunately that is not the life we live. Life is full of polarities.

I believe that while it is not easy, it is a necessary part of life to learn to navigate the tough times. To learn to keep composure even in the most difficult of circumstances. To find mental clarity even when your mind is bombarded with chaotic thoughts.

To do this you’ll need to learn to stay present. To be aware and mindful of your circumstances. To distinguish what is a life situation and what is life.

If you’d like to learn these concepts sign up for my free 10 day challenge to “Becoming a More Present You in 2021.”

Just click on the link below! Hope you’ll join me on this journey!


Cause I’m not there yet…..but perhaps, Soon Enuff!!

Live Present,

Amy XO

If you’d like more in depth coaching I have a few spots remaining for one on one sessions. There are options for 30 or 60 minutes. You can click the link below to set up a time. Hope to see you soon 🙂

My Linktree:https://linktr.ee/AmyLopez

Which role are you playing this week

Ready or not, it’s Monday! So which role will you be playing this week?

Maybe you’re a mother, step mother, girlfriend, grandmother, boss, co-worker, the list goes on and on. We all have those titles, roles that society and history have placed on us. We all have a responsibility to others to fulfill those roles. But the titles aren’t who you are, not deep down. But deep down do you even know who your true authentic self is?

Sometimes it’s tough to know. So many expectations are put on us even as children. We grow comfortable with titles, “I”m a mother.” But who are you beyond that? Who are you when the kids grow up?

To know your true self you have to dig a little deeper. You have to be present in each moment you live. You have to realize that you are the one doing the watching. You are the one seeing yourself as the mother. You are the one labeling yourself as the girlfriend, boss, co-worker. You are that voice in the back ground. And to hear her, to hear the authentic you, you need to be quiet.

Try waking up and sitting with yourself, maybe over coffee or tea. Close down your thinking by taking a few deep breaths. Don’t think about what you have to do today, what role you have to play, don’t think at all. Just concentrate on your breathing. When thoughts come in, just acknowledge them and let them pass through, you’ll deal with them soon enuff.

What I like to do is be peaceful to myself and my brain. Don’t start bombarding it with demands and stressors. Perhaps you’ll need to wake up a bit early to have this private time, or maybe you have a special room you can sit in quiet for a few moments without distractions. I know it can be a challenge, but it is so worth it to your mental clarity.

We give so much of ourselves to others, can’t we give just a few moments every morning to ourselves. You see, she’s always been there, you’re true authentic self, you just lost her for a long while. It’s time to call her back home.

Look, I’m not there yet, maybe you aren’t either, but perhaps…..Soon Enuff.

PS: Hey friends, I’m putting together a 10 day free challenge to “A more present you in 2021.” If you’d like to join me, I’ll teach you some invaluable things I wish I’d known at the start of my journey to live more present and more fulfilled. Just click the link below 🙂
