What’s your situation….
Recently I have found myself lost in a situation that I can’t quite name because I’m unsure of what the situation actually is. I think it’s a dilemma that many of us face throughout our lives. However, this is the first time that it has taken such a toll on me.
See the situation for what it is…
I believe the first step to solving this problem is to see the situation for what it is, I know, I know, this is hard to do when you don’t know what the situation is. However, if you sit down and write out exactly what’s going on you may find it easier to understand it, possibly even give it a name.
I have found myself in a position where I’m really unsure of my place in my own life. For 31 years my life has been centered around caring for children, running my business, basically taking care of everyone else. Suddenly and quite frankly without warning, my life has been turned upside down.
My grandfather passing away and grandmother needing help called me out of town to care for both of them for a short time and never did I imagine the impact this would take. I’ve seen death before, but this time it has really hit me hard. There is a lot of guilt that I didn’t do enough, a lot of guilt that I couldn’t help my grandmother enough, and upon returning to my regular life I found that it is no longer my regular life. Things changed, maybe I was the cause of those changes, maybe I wasn’t, but whatever the case I found myself in a situation that I couldn’t understand nor give a name to. My place and importance to others feels diminished and I’m left at age 50 wondering what’s next for me, what is my role, what is my position, where do I go from here. A situation that has caused me a lot of pain and probably placed me far too deep in thought.
Now Handle the Situation
So this morning I got up and wrote down exactly what I think is happening and why and whether these things are true for anyone else, they’re certainly true for me. I have named my situation, “The Highway of Life, and the Dangerous Curves I have to Maneuver.” I call them dangerous curves because it is dangerous to approach these curves without caution. They have definitely thrown me for a loop and quite frankly I’ve been spiraling out of control. However, now that I’ve slowed down and can approach the curves a little more cautiously I’ve found that I can maneuver them without crashing. It doesn’t mean I’m okay with everything, it means I’m handling it without slipping off the side of the road and bounding down a hill.
Life is often cruel and unkind, especially to the empaths that feel and think too much.
I have found that learning new things is very helpful. Life is constantly changing and if you don’t learn to change with it, you’ll be left behind. So set some new goals, keep them to yourself, and then go out and smash them. Try some new things, be kind to yourself. Realize life is what you make it, and though it’s painful, sometimes it’s just life and you need to adjust, what other choice do we have? We’re all growing older, we’re all changing, this is the world we live in. So name your situation and then change it to your benefit.
Cause I’m definitely not there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…
My book, Soon Enuff, is on sale on Amazon through Thanksgiving. If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, now is a great time.