Feeling lost doesn’t mean you are…
You know our minds don’t like to feel out of control. They want to know everything that is happening and why. So when they don’t know all the answers, they start to spin thoughts in our head. We start to feel lost, as if maybe we aren’t going in the right direction with whatever it is that we’re doing. But remember, our thoughts are not to be trusted and are honestly seldom even true. So the emotions that our thoughts produce aren’t to be relied on.
Find a quiet space to really get lost in…
Okay, lol, you won’t really be lost, but a quiet space, especially in nature can declutter your mind and stop your thoughts for a few moments. If nature isn’t available, sit in quiet and focus on your breathing, breathing in to a 4 count, breathing out to a 6 count for a few times until you feel relaxed and thoughts aren’t totally taking you over. It doesn’t mean thoughts don’t come, they will, but you just let them without getting into them, let them come and go, because your thoughts in this moment are going to be on why you’re feeling lost. You need to go deeper, find the awareness and ask yourself what’s really going on. Whatever the situation is, look for the truth in it. Ask yourself, “Am I truly lost, or are my thoughts spinning a narrative to make me panic and stress about something.”
So what if you are a little lost…
Listen, we’ve all been there. Feeling a little lost is nothing new, millions experience it everyday. But once you’ve become aware of what’s really going on you can make a choice. In your awareness did you discover that in fact, yes, you are a little lost and need to perhaps shift in what you’ve been doing? Great, then do that. There’s nothing wrong with that. Take a few steps back, start again. It never means you’re totally lost, it means, you need to change directions a bit, as hard or as simple as that may be, that is your choice. Is your awareness telling you that it was simply your thoughts causing you to doubt yourself, but you know instinctively that you are indeed going in the right direction? Great, then keep going. It’s okay that you felt unsure for a time, but now, you’ve experienced the truth and you go with it. Don’t forget,
“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered
without getting lost….” -Erol Ozan-
Lost or Found, it’s your Story…
The main thing to remember here is to stay present as much as you can. It’s only when our thoughts turn to the past or the future that anxiety and panic sink in. If you are staying present and working on what you can in the moment, you are really never lost. Look, it’s your story, you’re the only writer. You may need to edit often, but hey, that’s life, it’s all about making choices and once you learn better choices you make those.
Hey Guys! Want to learn the difference between a manifestation and an affirmation? I have a free teaching guide to help you understand them and when to use each. Just click the link below 🙂
Cause we aren’t there yet, but perhaps, Soon Enuff…
Live Present,
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