Break the bondage from the “externals”

The Externals

The “externals” are anything outside yourself. What are you feeling in bondage to? Your job, significant other, kids, school, food, the list could go on and on. But if you took away the need to live up to, or down to, in many cases, what would your life be like? If you stopped internalizing everyones opinions and just empowered yourself to do what’s best for you, how would that feel?

I’ll give you an example of my own turmoil. Recently I have felt like I’m in a fight with the food industry. (not literally, but just a sense of frustration) The pesticides in our food, the lack of nutrients in our soil, all the added sugar, etc. etc. And at times I’ve let that external force really get to me and almost give up. Like what’s the point of trying to buy all this organic food and eat really healthy, when honestly our food has become not so healthy. Thoughts like this race through my head, “It’s all bad, go on and have that soda and candy bar, what’s the difference anyways.” The thing is, thoughts like that contribute to my own degradation. If I followed those thoughts, I’d essentially be doing what’s best for the externals, and not what’s best for myself.

How do you contribute to your own degradation

So ask yourself, “How am I contributing to my own degradation?” Depending on your circumstances there are countless ways we do this. Someone treats you poorly, you let it slide instead of standing up for yourself. Someone/something is demanding your attention and instead of doing what’s best for you and saying honestly you don’t have time, you instead give in and do the task. You’re doing your best to live a healthy life and you give in to friends that want to go out and party all weekend. You see, we all have the power to do what’s best for ourselves, but by not making the right choices, we contribute to our own degradation and then tend to blame it on the externals.

The externals are real, but don’t give them that much power. Instead, regain your own power, be your own leader. Look within yourself for the answers you need. Search your own heart for solutions.

Cause we’re not there yet, but perhaps together, we’ll get there Soon Enuff…
