Free from unhappiness
There is a longing in all of us to be free from unhappiness. Guilt, regret, grievances, these are all simply feelings. But when we add our narrative to why we are having these feelings, they become emotions. Emotions plus the story and boom, there you have it, the unhappy you. Then we like to get together with others and share our unhappy stories to see who’s is worse, lol!
Today I’d like you to try something different!!
5 Questions
Ask yourself these questions:
“Who am I today?”
“Who am I not today?”
“What do I need more of in my life to be my authentic self?”
“What do I not need more of in my life to be my authentic self?”
“What can I do right now in this present moment to arrive at a new inner state?”
Everyone’s answers are going to be different, but I’ll give you my answers as an example.
“Who am I today?” I am a present being trying to live my life in alignment with my truest self. I want to make right decisions for myself, but also scared to do so. Is this woman my truest self right now? No, because I am stuck in a spot where I’m unsure of myself. Trying to make myself and everyone around me happy.
“Who am I not today?” I am not the helpless, low self esteemed woman that I once was. Can I leave these qualities behind for good? Yes, I can! I live in the present no longer basing my current situation on the past.
“What do I want more of in my life so I can be more authentic?” Honesty without a narrative. Time alone outdoors. Less social media. More time with loved ones. More time in meditation.
“What do I not want more of in my life so I can be more authentic?” Chaos, disorder, rushing around, social media.
“What can I do right now in this moment to arrive at a new inner state?” Be true to myself.
I hope this practice helps you. Spend today and maybe even every morning this week asking yourself these questions. The answers may change day to day, mine certainly do.
Cause I’m not there yet, but perhaps together, we’ll get there, Soon Enuff…
I am a Certified Life Coach and Functional Nutrition Coach through Mind, Body, Green. If you’d like to work with me shoot me an email, I’d love to hear from you!