Are you sabotaging your own happiness….
“If there’s one thing I know to be true it’s that we will sabotage our own happiness until we heal and realize we are worth loving….” -Amy Lopez-
Ways we Sabotage…..
Have you ever found yourself floating along blissfully in life? Relationships, work, family, income, everything is going great. Then suddenly, it’s like this little flash goes off in your head and a voice whispers, barely even audible, “This all can’t be happening, you know you don’t deserve this….” and then you start to believe that little voice. You start to get anxious, maybe depressed, and before you know it that voice is telling you, “Let’s fuck it up like we always do.”
Now this voice is probably in your sub-conscious, you don’t actually hear it, and you don’t even know that you are unintentionally starting to fuck things up. Maybe you start getting more argumentative for no reason, just because, well, drama feels more normal to you. Or maybe you start getting ideas of hanging out with people you know are trouble for you. You know, just to cause some unnecessary chaos in your life. Maybe you start talking to someone from your past. You know, because well, your partner hasn’t been paying enough attention to you, so you kind of want to fuck that relationship up too. While all this is a little funny to read, it’s actually really what happens!
One of the worst parts about this cycle is that we don’t just hurt ourselves and sabotage our own happiness, we hurt and sabotage the lives and happiness of those that love us. They are like the innocent by standers in a long drawn out horror film. But why do we do this? Why do we self sabotage? What causes this behavior and how can we stop it before it starts next time?
Answers to Self Sabotage
Self sabotage is caused by self worth, or should I say, lack of it. When we don’t love ourselves, our minds just can’t comprehend that things can be good for too long. When we have past trauma that we haven’t healed from, we continue to carry it into every aspect of our lives. Our relationships, romantic or work related, family, friends, it’s all going to suffer because our minds can’t distinguish the past from the present. We think it’s happened to us so many times, that’s it’s just how life is, it’s not going to change. We don’t realize that essentially we are the ones continuing the cycle. It’s us that refuses to change. You see our ego is so identified with this Victim mentality that it thinks it’s who we are. We are the victim. Our victim ego needs to be fed. So when things are going great, our victim ego is starving. Hungry for drama, for stress, for anxiety. And since life isn’t providing it ample food, our own minds start devise a way to sabotage, to feed our victim mentality. But there is a way out!!
Self help for Sabotage
There is a way out of this of course. Once you realize you have a problem, you’re half way there. Once you realize that you need to deal with some past trauma and that it’s actually your Victim Ego causing you to self sabotage you can change it. The best way….starve that ego. Once you start to give no attention to something it slowly starts to disappear until one day it is gone forever. This will take time and perseverance. It starts with recognizing that you are the problem. It’s the way you’re choosing to respond to life. Life is giving amazing things, showing you love, giving you beautiful gifts, but how are you responding?
Start a gratitude journal. I know it sounds simple, but sometimes the very act of writing down what you’re grateful for, like actually seeing it in black and white right in front of you makes you realize it’s all real. I do this every single morning.
Write some affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements used to replace negative thinking. “I am a loving person and I am loved in return.” “I understand my need to feel loved and protected and so I show that love and protection to those in my life.” You get the idea……
Stay Present. This may be the number one rule of my life, and I hope yours as well. By staying in the present moment we begin to realize the past has no bearing on us any longer. All the trauma from the past is past. We don’t have to let it continue to ruin our futures. Our life is always only right now, in this very moment. And in this very moment you are okay, you are loved, you are beautiful, and most important, you are worthy.
The thing is, until you heal and realize you’re worth loving you literally can’t continue to show love to anyone else. You’re going to continue self sabotaging your own happiness and that happiness of those around you. Start today.
If you’d like help in this area, I’m here for you. You could schedule a short coffee break with me or a longer session. The link to scheduling is listed below….
Cause we’re not there yet….but perhaps, “Soon Enuff.”
Live Present,
Did you know I have a brand new free course available on Manifestations/Affirmations. What they are and how and when to use them. Check it out before it’s gone 🙂
That’s most of my life. Sill have to watch out for it.
Yeah….I feel ya